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Application Domains
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Section: Application Domains

Mechanized Metatheory

There has been increasing interest in the use of formal methods to provide proofs of properties of programs and programming languages. Tony Hoare's Grand Challenge titled “Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments” has as a goal the construction of “verifying compilers” for a world where programs would only be produced with machine-verified guarantees of adherence to specified behavior. There is also the POPLMark challenge [37] which envisions “a world in which mechanically verified software is commonplace: a world in which theorem proving technology is used routinely by both software developers and programming language researchers alike.” The proposers of this challenge go on to say that a “crucial step towards achieving these goals is mechanized reasoning about language metatheory.”

The Parsifal team has been applying their research results to design and building systems to directly aid in both of these challenges. One important requirements for reasoning about programming languages is the ability to reason about data structures with binding constructs up to α-equivalence. The use of higher-order syntax and nominal techniques for such data structures was pioneered by Miller, Nadathur and Tiu. The Abella system (see Section  3.2 ) implements a refinement of a number of these ideas and has been used to give full solutions to sections of the POPLMark challenge in addition to fully formal proofs of a number of other theorems in the meta-theory of the λ-calculus. Also, our colleague Alwen Tiu from the Australian National University has also been building on our Bedwyr model checking tool so that we can build on top of it his SPEC system for doing model checking of spi-calculus expressions. We have adopted his enhancements to Bedwyr and are developing further improvements within the context of the BATT project (see Section  5.2 ).